Author Archives: Pablo Stafforini

My discographies of the major tango orchestras

A while ago I noted that the discographies of the tango orchestras are scattered all around the web. In that post, I provided links to what I took to be the most complete and reliable discography of each major orchestra. I have since realized, however, that these discographies are still incomplete and unreliable, and have as a consequence decided to create new discographies that supplement and correct the existing ones. (The only exceptions are the excellent discographies of Canaro, by Christoph Lanner, and D’Arienzo, by Johan.) In the coming months and years, I will be posting these new discographies publicly, in separate posts corresponding each to a different orchestra. These posts will also include a link to a Google spreadsheet containing additional information not found in the posts themselves (such as record labels, matrix numbers, and the like).

Although I am unable to list all the sources I consulted in conducting my research, I should note that I relied extensively on Gabriel Valiente’s Encyclopedia of Tango and the sites, and TodoTango (including its public forum). The booklets of the CDs in my own tango collection were also of great help.

I hope that these discographies will supersede the existing ones. Inevitably, they will still contain inaccuracies, and for this reason I kindly ask readers to notify me—by leaving a comment or sending me an email—of any errors that they manage to spot.

Discographies published so far:

My favorite tandas: De Caro – ‘Saca chispas’

This is another rare tanda, comprising three great milongas by Julio de Caro (the first two composed by De Caro himself). My original plan was to play this set at El Metejón, a local BA milonga where I’ll be DJing tonight. However, a few days ago I announced on my Facebook wall that I’d play “Milonga de los fortines”, by Orquesta Típica Victor, and then realized I couldn’t really fit two milonga tandas from similar periods and orchestras on the same night. So I’ve decided to play a mixed tanda combining “Milonga de los fortines” with Lomuto’s “Qué tiempo aquel” and De Caro’s “No hay tierra como la mía”. I look forward to seeing how dancers react when I play the full De Caro tanda next time I’m DJing.

(With thanks to Alia, the multi-talented Syrian DJ.)

My favorite tandas: Fresedo – ‘Rendez Vous’

The tangos that Osvaldo Fresedo recorded with vocalist Héctor Pacheco are almost never played in milongas. And on the sites featuring tanda collections that I sometimes consult, I could find only one Fresedo/Pacheco tanda, by DJ Goran. As Goran notes, these tangos are “Very dreamy and romantic, […] ideal for a dimly lit milonga, near the end of the evening.” The four tangos I chose for this set are especially laconic and contemplative. As I listen to this music, I feel transported to Rendez Vous, the elegant boite in downtown Buenos Aires where Fresedo played regularly throughout the 1950s.

My favorite tandas: Di Sarli – ‘De qué podemos hablar’

This week we have another Di Sarli tanda, which I played at the Oxford Practica yesterday. A friend remarked that she finds these songs kitsch. I think they are wonderful–especially if danced with someone in a soft, snuggly embrace.

Noelia & Carlitos in London

Noelia Hurtado and Carlitos Espinoza–the couple everyone loves to love–gave a wonderful exhibition in London yesterday. I brought my camera and recorded their performance, which is now publicly available on YouTube. The footage is slightly out of focus, owing to a damaged lens, but you can still see the dancers quite well, especially if you set the resolution to HD.

My favorite performances: El olivo (D’Arienzo)

My choice for this week is ‘El olivo’ (Juan D’Arienzo with Héctor Mauré, 1941). I reviewed 22 performances.

My favorite: Peninsula & Jinsuk Muchacha.

I also liked the performance by Noelia Hurtado & Carlitos Espinoza.