Monthly Archives: August 2013

The best resources on becoming more productive

Of all the resources on productivity that I’m familiar with, these are the ones I’ve found most useful.  If you think I’m missing something, please let me know.

The resources are listed in rough descending order of usefulness. I recommend going through these resources one at a time, starting from the first one, and proceeding to the next one only after you have succeeded in implementing at least the most valuable bits of advice.

Anki deck and Google Form for The Feeling Good Handbook, by David Burns

I have created a public Anki deck [archived] including “cognitive distortions”, “ten ways to untwist your thinking”, and “ways to challenge automatic thoughts”, from David Burns’s The Feeling Good Handbook. I have also created a Google Form based on Burns’s “Daily Mood Log“. If you suffer from anxiety, depression or some related mood disorder, this may help.

Summary of ‘Time management’, by Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch’s lecture on time management is, in my opinion, the best presentation on productivity techniques ever recorded. I have watched the talk at least half a dozen times, I learned something new and important on each occasion. The summary below leaves out the funny jokes and engaging stories, focusing exclusively on the actionable bits of advice.

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