Monthly Archives: July 2011

Shelly Kagan

[I]t remains true that there will always be a very small chance of some totally unforeseen disaster resulting from your act. But it seems equally true that there will be a corresponding very small chance of your act resulting in something fantastically wonderful, although totally unforeseen. If there is indeed no reason to expect either, then the two possibilities will cancel each other out as we try to decide how to act.

Shelly Kagan, Normative Ethics, Boulder, 1998, p. 65

Sonja Lyubomirsky and Jaime Kurtz

Ask yourself, “Will this really matter a year from now?” Chances are, the answer is no! Or try to consider your problem in the context of space and time. When my (Sonja Lyubomirsky’s) son went through an astronomy phase, I was surprised how serene and unruffled I felt every time I read him a book about galaxies, stars, or planets. How can I stress over my carpooling situation when the farthest galaxy is thirteen billion light-years away? When the universe is expanding! It seems magical that this knowledge would have such power, but it does.

Sonja Lyubomirsky and Jaime Kurtz, Positively Happy: Routes to Sustainable Happiness, Coventry: CAPP Press, 2008, p. 51