Monthly Archives: July 2010

Greg Egan

Now that so many aspects of life are subject to nothing but choice, people’s brains are seizing up. Now that there’s so much to be had, literally merely by wanting it, people are building new layers into their thought processes, to protect them from all this power and freedom; near-endless regressions of wanting to decide to want to decide to want to decide what the fuck it is they really do want.

Greg Egan, Quarantine, London, 1992, p. 27

Thomas Henry Huxley

It strikes me that men who are accustomed to contemplate the active or passive extirpation of the weak, the unfortunate, and the superfluous; who justify that conduct on the ground that it has the sanction of the cosmic process, and is the only way of ensuring the progress of the race; who, if they are consistent, must rank medicine among the black arts and count the physician a mischievous preserver of the unfit; on whose matrimonial undertakings the principles of the stud have the chief influence; whose whole lives, therefore are an education in the noble art of suppressing natural affection and sympathy, are not likely to have any large stock of those commodities left.

Thomas Henry Huxley, ‘Evolution and Ethics’, in Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays, London, 1884, pp. 36-37

Adolfo Bioy Casares

Sueño que estoy en París. De pronto descubro con agrado, con la nostalgia del que está lejos de su tierra, que ando por casas y plazas de Buenos Aires. “¿No te has enterado?”, me preguntan. “Hasta el lunes Buenos Aires está en París.”

Adolfo Bioy Casares, en Claudio Martino (ed.), ABC de Adolfo Bioy Casares: reflexiones y anotaciones tomadas de su obra, Buenos Aires, 1989, p. 194