Yoga : Siddhasana 1

Supine Preparation for Perfect Posture I: Siddhasana

For this supine posture, first sit on the floor and pull the ankle of one leg so that the leg is fully folded and the heel in against the crotch as shown in figure. Retaining the leg positions -one leg fully extended, the other fully folded with the sole of the foot flat against the inside thigh of the other leg - lie flat on the back with the wrists crossed behind the neck to support the back of the head with the arms. The position of the upper body and arms is that given for the Matsyasana. To prevent the foot of the folded leg slipping away from the body a little as you lie back, it may be necessary to keep a grip on the ankle of the folded leg with one hand and lie back gradually, adopting an intermediate semi-reclining position, propped half up on one elbow. The outer edges of the folded leg and the foot should be kept down flat on the floor. Breathe freely and stay in the posture for at least thirty seconds. Repeat, folding the other leg.

This posture loosens the hip joints and limbers the legs, calms and tones the nervous system, improves posture (keep the full length of the back down flat), expands the thorax, encourages deep abdominal breathing, and mildly stretches the upper body. It conditions the legs and hips for sitting in the Perfect Posture.  ·  The link has been deactivated to avoid spam abuse. You will have to enter the e-mail address manually.