Yoga : Pavanmuktasana 3

Supine   Knee   Squeeze  Posture   III:   also   called   Wind-relieving Posture: Pavanmuktasana

Lie flat on the back and raise each leg separately, clasping it with both hands, one hand on the knee and the other hand below the knee. Press the folded leg firmly down towards the body. As you press down on the folded leg, raise the head and shoulders and press the forehead and kneecap together. Hold the pose steadily for ten seconds. At the end of the ten seconds, lower the head and shoulders back to the floor, but keep the knee drawn up to the body, though relaxing the pressure for ten seconds. Raise forehead to kneecap again and press firmly for another ten seconds. Repeat, folding the other leg. Breathe freely.

This posture limbers the hips and legs, massages the abdominal wall and the abdominal viscera, and strengthens the neck and shoulders. It corrects indigestion and constipation. As the name 'Wind-relieving Posture' implies, intestinal gases may be released during the squeeze.  ·  The link has been deactivated to avoid spam abuse. You will have to enter the e-mail address manually.