Yoga : Matsyendrasana

Little Twist Posture, or Preparation for Spinal Twist Posture, also called Matsyendra's Posture: Matsyendrasana

Sit with the left leg extended straight in front. Step over it with the right leg and place the sole of the foot outside the left knee. Twist the upper body as far as you can to the left and place the palms of the hands on the floor to your left. Keep both the right knee and the left foot steady and upright. Breathe freely. Stay in the twisted pose at least ten seconds, breathing freely. Repeat, twisting to the right-hand side.

The Little Twist Posture offers in milder form the benefits of the full Spinal Twist Posture (see figure). It makes the spine supple, squeezes and tones the adrenal glands, and tones and calms the nervous system.  ·  The link has been deactivated to avoid spam abuse. You will have to enter the e-mail address manually.